• Inoar Cream Sensitine 3 in 1 Co-Wash 400ml ( shampoo+conditioner+mask)

    Conditioner 3-in-1 co-wash. Inoar Sensitine cleans, conditions and treats in just one step. It moisturizes directly on the cellular layer of the wire and eliminates the discomfort caused by chemical processes and other damages.
    A cleaning cream Inoar Sensitine has an innovative formula and technologies. Combines cleansing agents with powerful actives that prevent dryness and irritation on the scalp and gently conditioning without regret.

    Inoar Cream Sensetine 3-in-1 co-wash ينظف
    ، ويعامل في خطوة واحدة فقط. يرطب مباشرة على الطبقة الخلوية من السلك ويزيل العوامل الناتجه عن العمليات الكيميائية والأضرار الأخرى
    Inoar Sensitine كريم التنظيف
    له تركيبة وتقنيات مبتكرة. يجمع بين عوامل التطهير والنشاطات القوية التي تمنع الجفاف والتهيج على فروة الرأس وتتكيف برفق

    It protects the hair strands from pollution and makes them brighter, smoother and healthier.

    يحمي خيوط الشعر من التلوث ويجعلها أكثر إشراقًا وأكثر سلاسة وصحة

    Main ingredients:
    1. Allantoin Scalp and Vitamin B3 that retains the moisture and nutrition of the hair strands so they do not dry out and protect against oxidative stress and cellular damage caused by pollution.
    2. It is sulfate-free that performs a gentle cleaning, which does not damage the hair strands or the scalp.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    ألانتوين وفيتامين B3 الذي يحتفظ بالرطوبة والتغذية في خيوط الشعر حتى لا تجف وتحمي من الإجهاد التأكسدي والتلف الخلوي الناجم عن التلوث
    خالية من الكبريتات التي تقوم بتنظيف لطيف ، والذي لا يضر بشرائط الشعر أو فروة الرأس

  • Inoar Post Progress Duo Kit 250ml (2 Products)

    Hair treated with volume reducing brushes looks beautiful but needs special care. With that in mind, Inoar developed the Post Progress line.  The darling of professionals and women who want to keep results much longer.  With a smooth and moisturizing formula, Post Progress maintains the health and natural softness of the hair, keeping the closed cuticles and splendid hair until the next visit to the salon.

    Inoar Pos
    الشعر الذي يتم معالجته باستخدام الفرشاه التي تقلل من الحجم تبدو جميلة ولكنه يحتاج إلى عناية خاصة مع وضع ذلك في الاعتبار ، طورت
    الحفاظ على النتائج لفترة
    Inoar خط Post Progress
    أطول من ذلك بكثير. مع تركيبة ناعمة ومرطبة ، تحافظ Post Progress على صحة الشعر ونعومته الطبيعية ، مع الحفاظ على بشرة رائعه وشعر رائع حتى الزيارة التالية إلى الصالون.

    – Gently cleans hair.
    – Removes impurities without drying out.
    – It helps to keep hair straight and shiny longer without the frizz.
    – Detangles and moisturizes the hair without leaving heavy or oily hair.
    – Recovers the damaged hair strands by chemistry and D-Panthenol.
    – Reduces the formation of split ends.

    – ينظف الشعر برفق.
    – يزيل الشوائب دون جفاف.
    – يساعد على الحفاظ على شعر مستقيم ولامع لفترة أطول دون تجعد.
    – يساعد الشعر ويرطبه دون ترك شعر كثيف أو زيتي.
    – يعالج خيوط الشعر التالفة بالكيمياء و D-Panthenol.
    – يقلل من تشكيل الانقسام.

    Germ Oil, Germ Proteins, Citric Acid.

    جرثومة النفط ، بروتينات جرثومية ، حامض الستريك

    AED 145.00AED 220.00
  • Inoar Absolut Speed Blond Kit 250ml

    Inoar Speed Blond shampoo is designed for blond or gray hair.

    تم تصميم منعم Inoar Speed ​​Blond للشعر الأشقر أو الرمادي

    Cleans, disentangles, treats and neutralizes the yellow tone that tends to accumulate in the colored hair strands.

    ينظف ، يعالج ، يعامل ويرجع اللون الأصفر الذي يميل إلى التراكم في خيوط الشعر الملونة.

    Clears and neutralizes the yellowish that appears on the colored hair strands. It disengages and neutralizes the yellow tone.  Prevents fading of the actual color.  Smoothest and moisturizes strands and skin.

    مسح وارجاع اللون الأصفر الذي يظهر على خيوط الشعر الملونة. إنه ينحل و يرجع اللون الأصفر. ويمنع تلاشي اللون الفعلي. ينعم ويرطب الشرائط والجلد

    Main ingredients:
    It helps revitalize hair by providing intense nutrition and replenishing proteins lost during chemistry.  Its formulas are rich in active antioxidants, which preserve color and promote intense brightness.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    يساعد على تنشيط الشعر من خلال توفير التغذية المكثفة وتجديد البروتينات المفقودة أثناء الكيمياء. صيغته غنية بمضادات الأكسدة النشطة ، والتي تحافظ على اللون وتعزز اللمعان الشديد.

    Shampoo 250 ml
    Conditioner 250 ml

    AED 65.00AED 149.00
  • Cicatrifios Due Kit Shamoo Conditioner

    Cicatrifios family line is the evolution in treatment that offers countless benefits to absolutely renew the hair fibers every day. Its formula, enriched with RejuComplex3 that renews and softens the hair, solves hair loss issues, reduces the breakage and frizziness of the hair and offers progressive reduction of volume for a sealed hair, with extreme shine, with easy combing and long-lasting effects.

    Recommendation: All hair types.

    Cicatrifios line contains:
    1.Shampoo 500 ml
    2. Conditioner 500 ml.

    Main assets:
    Rejucomplex3, Argan Oil. Other information: Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 228.00AED 350.00
  • Inoar Vegan Umectação set Shampoo Conditioner

    Inoar Vegan Umectação set are formulated with virgin vegetables’ oils, coconut oil, and olive oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect to the animals.

    Benefits: – It penetrates the hair fiber and returns to the strands of its natural hydration. – Stops hair loss issues. – Heals damaged hair strands, reduces frizz and returns the strength to the hair which makes the hair much healthier and plus helps to grow the hair.

    Main ingredients: Vitamin E, Biotin, Castor Oil, Olive oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera.

    Composition: Shampoo 300 ml Conditioner 300 ml Hair Mask 500 g Hair Leave-in 300 ml.

    AED 310.00AED 410.00
  • Resistance Lotus Flower duo kit

    Inoar Resistance Kit Lotus Flower Duo (2 Products)
    Kit with shampoo and conditioner for weakened hair. Inoar Resistance Kit Lotus Flower Duo regenerates the hair strands, leaving them soft, shiny and malleable.

    Kit Inoar Résistance Lotus Flower Duo brings the revitalizing action of Lotus Flower combined with Vegetable Collagen, offering intense repair and improving the resistance and strength of the hair.


    Inoar Résistance Lotus Flower – Shampoo 250ml: cleans, hydrates and revitalizes the hair. Released for low poo.

    Inoar Résistance Lotus Flower – Conditioner 250ml: detangles and leaves a healthy appearance, with natural movement. Released for in the pit and co-wash. Application Council :
    Apply shampoo to damp hair, massaging gently. Rinse. If necessary, repeat the operation.

    Then spread the conditioner on the lengths and ends, massaging strand by strand. Rinse well.

    Our Experts Teach

    The conditioner is super important in the hair care routine, as it seals the cuticles after shampooing, helps to detangle, restores suppleness and provides shine to the hair.

    Action / Result :
    Lotus Flower: It has revitalizing power that brings shine and softness to the hair.

    Vegetable Collagen: helps to thicken the wires and improve their resistance.

    *Vegan and botanical formula. Free from petrolatum and dyes. Not tested on animals.
    Your hair is left clean, revitalized, soft and shiny.

    AED 228.00AED 350.00

    Resistance Lotus Flower duo kit

    AED 228.00AED 350.00
  • Resistance Bamboo Fiber duo kit

    Kit with shampoo and conditioner for weakened hair. Strengthens hair and stimulates growth.
    Inoar Résistance Bamboo Fiber Duo Kit repairs weakened hair, leaving it more resistant and with much more shine. Its composition treats the hair from the inside out with rejuvenating power.

    Inoar Résistance Bamboo Fiber – Shampoo 250ml: cleanses, moisturizes and helps in strengthening and hair growth. Released for low poo.

    Inoar Résistance Bamboo Fiber – Conditioner 250ml: detangles, improves shine and softness, in addition to strengthening the hair fiber. Released for in the pit and co-wash.

    From our experts: The correct way is to apply the shampoo only on the scalp and with the remaining product in the hair, glove the length and ends.
    Action / Result:
    Bamboo: has moisturizing, nourishing and protective properties that regenerate the structure of the hair fiber.

    Biotin: vitamin that provides the growth and strengthening of the hair fiber, prevents damage and breaks and protects the account of daily aggressions.
    *Vegan and botanical formula. Free from petroleum and dyes. Not tested on animals.
    Your hair is clean, strengthened, repaired and with a lot of shine.

  • Afro vegan kit ( 3 products )

    Treatment kit for wavy, curly, frizzy and afro hair. Inoar Afro Vegan Trio intensely nourishes hair to keep curls healthier. Ideal for type 4ABC. Inoar Afro Vegan Trio Kit acts in the replacement of fundamental nutrients while providing definition, sealing the cuticles and also helping in the healthy growth of the hair, with a lot of shine and softness, showing the true shape and beauty of curly hair. Contains:
    Inoar Afro Vegan – Shampoo 300ml: cleans, helps to nourish and hydrate hair, which gain more life and suppleness.

    Inoar Afro Vegan – 300ml Conditioner: nourishes, seals the cuticles and untangles the strands.

    Inoar Afro Vegan – 500g Capillary Mask: intensely hydrates and nourishes to keep your curls healthy at all times.

    AED 508.00AED 650.00

    Afro vegan kit ( 3 products )

    AED 508.00AED 650.00
  • Inoar Afro Vegan kit (2 products)

    Kit for wavy, curly, frizzy and afro hair. Inoar Afro Vegan Duo promotes nourishing and moisturizing daily care, ideal for 4ABC curls. Inoar Afro Vegan Duo Kit provides hair definition, seals the cuticles and helps in healthier growth, with lots of shine and softness of the strands. It is the ideal solution to show the true beauty of super curly hair.

    Contains: Inoar Afro Vegan – Shampoo 300ml: cleans, helps to nourish and hydrate hair, which gain more life and suppleness. Inoar Afro Vegan – 300ml

    Conditioner: nourishes, seals the cuticles and untangles the strands.

    AED 326.00AED 450.00

    Inoar Afro Vegan kit (2 products)

    AED 326.00AED 450.00
  • Resistance Lotus Flower Duo Kit (Shampoo & Conditioner)

    Inoar prepared a series of weak hair that needs treatment. In two versions Resistance Lotus Flower is the solution to hair fibers that needs treatment. Resistance Lotus Flower Line is rich in selenium and rich in Lotus flower oil and bamboo fiber repairs hair fiber and strengthens weak dry hair making it softer shiny and fluffy. It contains a resistance line on a plant formula and consists of plant components that deeply treat hair fibers. Inoar Resistance Lotus Flower with the lotus flower oil that has the power of invigorating and collagen-resistant plant rejuvenates hair fibers making them more soft and supple.

    This line contains:
    Conditioner 1 L , Shampoo 1 L, Hair Mask 1 kg , Super ampoule 45 ml and hair serum ( oil) 7 ml.

    A formula of Resistance Lotus Flower Line contains vitamin Biotin that stimulates growth and treats hair strands from inside to outside with a rejuvenating power. The Résistance Lotus Flower line has a plant formula and consists of plant ingredients lotus flower oil that deeply treats hair fibers.

    For weak hair that needs extensive repair.

    Main ingredients:
    Biotin and bamboo fiber. Vegetable collagen and lotus flower oil. It is 100% vegetarian and cruelty free.

    أعدت سلسلة Inoar من الشعر الضعيف الذي يحتاج إلى علاج. في نسختين ، مقاومة هو الحل لشرائط الشعر التي تحتاج إلى علاج. غني بألياف الخيزران الغني بالسيلينيوم ، مقاومة لإصلاح ألياف الخيزران يضع الشعر ويقوي الشعر ، مما يجعله يبدو أكثر إشراقاً. يحتوي على خط مقاومة على تركيبة نباتية ويتكون من مكونات نباتية تعالج بعمق ألياف الشعر. مع زهرة اللوتس التي لديها قوة تنشيط والكولاجين النباتي مقاومة Inoar ، تقوم زهرة اللوتس بتجديد ألياف الشعر مما يجعلها أكثر نعومة ومرونة.

    هذا الخط يحتوي علي:
    بلسم 1 لتر ، شامبو 1 لتر ، ماسك للشعر 1 كغم ، أمبولة سوبر 45 مل ومصل للشعر (زيت) 7 مل.

    تحتوي تركيبة Resistance Lotus Line على فيتامين البيوتين الذي يحفز النمو ويعالج خيوط الشعر من الداخل إلى الخارج بقوة تجديد. يحتوي خط Résistance Lotus Flower على تركيبة نباتية ويتكون من مكونات نباتية من زيت زهرة اللوتس التي تعالج ألياف الشعر بعمق.

    للشعر الضعيف الذي يحتاج إلى إصلاح مكثف.

    المكونات الرئيسية:

    البيوتين والألياف الخيزران. الكولاجين النباتي وزهرة اللوتس. نباتي ، القسوة

    AED 199.00AED 220.00
  • Resistance Bamboo Fiber Duo Kit (Shampoo & Conditionar)

    Inoar has designed a streak for weak hair that needs treatment. In two versions, Résistance Bamboo Fiber Line is the solution to hair fibers that need treatment. Resistance Bamboo Fiber Line which is rich in selenium and rich in bamboo fibers repairs and strengthens the hair fiber leaving it looking even more luminous.

    A formula of Resistance Bamboo Fiber Line contains vitamin Biotin that stimulates growth and treats hair strands from inside to outside with a rejuvenating power. The Résistance Bamboo Fiber line has a plant formula and consists of plant ingredients that deeply treats hair fibers.

    For weak hair that needs extensive repair.

    Main ingredients:
    Biotin and bamboo fiber. Vegetable collagen and lotus flower oil. The line is 100 % vegetarian and cruelty-free.

    أعدت Inoar خطًا للشعر الضعيف الذي يحتاج إلى علاج. في نسختين ، تعتبر Résistance   هي الحل لشرائط الشعر التي تحتاج إلى علاج. غني بألياف الخيزران الغنية ني بألياف الخيزران الغنية بالسيلينيوم Résistance يعمل إصلاح ألياف الخيزران على إضعاف الشعر وتقوية الشعر تاركًا إشراقه بدرجة أكبر.

    يحتوي تركيبه على Biotin ، وهو فيتامين يحفز النمو ويعالج خيوط الشعر من الداخل إلى الخارج بقوة تجديد. يحتوي خط Résistance على تركيبة نباتية ويتكون من مكونات نباتية تعالج بعمق ألياف الشعر.

    للشعر الضعيف الذي يحتاج إلى إصلاح مكثف.

    المكونات الرئيسية:

    البيوتين وألياف الخيزران. الكولاجين النباتي وزيت زهرة اللوتس. الخط نباتي 100٪ وخالي من القسوة.

    AED 199.00AED 220.00
  • Inoar Botanic – Due Kit 2 Products

    Mask for all hair types. Inoar Botanic provides strength and strength for healthy hair growth.

    Inoar Botanic Mask presents the powerful combination of Castor and Macadamia Oils, which increase the resistance to breakage and give vitality, shine and softness to the hair. Ideal for hair that is difficult to grow.

    *Vegan, cruelty-free and paraben-free formula.

    How to use

    Application Council

    After washing your hair with shampoo, apply the mask, lock by lock, massaging. Leave on for 3 to 5 minutes. Rinse well.

    Our Experts Teach

    To enhance the action of the mask, remove excess water from the hair with a towel, without rubbing, gently squeezing the strands. Untangle the strands with a wide comb. Apply the mask and let it work for five minutes.

    Action / Result

    Castor Oil: natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E and mineral salts. Helps in nutrition, strength and healthy hair growth.

    Macadamia Oil : rich in nourishing properties to ensure more strength and shine to the hair fiber.

    Your hair with much more strength, shine, softness and healthy growth.

    AED 280.00AED 310.00

    Inoar Botanic – Due Kit 2 Products

    AED 280.00AED 310.00

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