• Inoar Meu Cacho, Meu Crush – Conditioner 400ml

    Inoar My Curl My Crush

    Conditioner for wavy, curly, and frizzy hair. Inoar Meu Curl, Meu Crush Conditioner nourishes, deeply hydrates, and defines. 

    Inoar Meu Cacho, Meu Crush Conditioner has excellent components in its formula that repair and strengthen the strands, in addition to ensuring their hydration. It eliminates porosity, leaves it soft, and makes the curls much fuller and more alive. Daily care is needed for textured yarns.

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  • Inoar Meu Curl, Meu Crush – Cream to Comb 400ml

    Comb cream suitable for wavy, curly or frizzy hair. Inoar Meu Curl, Meu Crush defines the curves and helps to untangle. For healthy, beautiful and frizz-free yarns.

    Inoar Meu Curl Comb Cream, Meu Crush has a rich formula that penetrates deep into the hair fiber and brings hydration and emollience, essential for the health and beauty of curls. Perfect for anyone who wants to enhance and assume its natural texture.

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  • Inoar Mais Amor Menos Sodium – Shampoo 400ml

    Sodium-free shampoo for all hair types. Inoar More Love Less Sodium Shampoo gently cleanses and maintains hair strength and integrity.

    Inoar More Love Less Sodium Shampoo combines in its assets Tribulus Terrestris, an herb rich in Vitamin C, with a source of saponins that protects hair cells, stimulating hair growth. It also features Banana Flower Oil, a powerful natural source of potassium, which replaces sodium and helps protect the hair’s natural elasticity by preventing split ends. Your hair regains much more life, intense shine, health and softness.

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  • Inoar Mais Amor Menos Sódio – Conditioner 400ml

    Conditioner for all hair types. Inoar More Love Less Sodium Conditioner promotes intense nutrition and hydration, shine and softness.

    Inoar More Love Less Sodium Conditioner has in its powerful formula actives such as Tribulus Terrestris and Banana Flower Oil, ensuring protection and flexibility for your hair. In addition to preventing split ends, it also promotes more movement, nutrition and strength.

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  • Inoar My Curl, My Crush – Pre-Shampoo 400ml

    Shampoo for wavy, curly, and frizzy hair. Inoar Meu Cacho, Meu Crush Shampoo promotes cleaning, revitalization, and hair growth.

    Inoar Meu Cacho, Meu Crush Shampoo provides hydration to the hair and guarantees the definition and smooth touch of textured strands. With a formula rich in actives that ensures hair health and stimulate hair growth in a stronger way.

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  • Inoar Botanic – Hair Mask 500g

    Mask for all hair types. Inoar Botanic provides strength and strength for healthy hair growth.

    Inoar Botanic Mask presents the powerful combination of Castor and Macadamia Oils, which increase the resistance to breakage and give vitality, shine and softness to the hair. Ideal for hair that is difficult to grow.

    *Vegan, cruelty-free and paraben-free formula.

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  • Inoar Argan Oil Serum 60 ml

    Inoar Argan Oil system is a powerful source of hair beauty. Its multiple moisturizing and disciplining functions make fragile or dry strands silky, healthy-looking and delicious in touch. Discover in your hair the power of Morocco’s most precious oil in the home care line that has conquered the world.

    شعر اينوار ارجان للزيوت يعد مصدرا قويا لجمال الشعر. وظائف متعددة من الترطيب والانضباط تجعل الخيوط هشة وحريريه، مظهر صحي ورائع. اكتشف في شعرك قوة ثمينه ورائعه

    Main ingredients:
    Argan Oil, Coco Butter, Jojoba Oil l, Ginger extract, and Cacao Seed Butter.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيت الأركان ، زبدة كوكو ، زيت الجوجوبا ، مستخلص الزنجبيل وزبدة بذور الكاكاو

    Main benefits:
    – Protects the hair strands against external aggressions.
    – Moisturizes the hair fiber and smoothes its scales
    – Prevents antioxidant action of free radicals.

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    يحمي خيوط الشعر من العوامل الخارجية
    يرطب ألياف الشعر وينعم قشورها
    يمنع عمل مضادات الأكسدة من الجذور الحرة.

    AED 178.00AED 190.00

    Inoar Argan Oil Serum 60 ml

    AED 178.00AED 190.00
  • Inoar Kalice Multifunctional 7 kind of Oil 100 ml

    Kalice has a combination of 7 kinds of oils in one Oil and it can be used for hair skin and body.

     Kalice يحتوي زيت
    متعدد الوظائف على مزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيوت في زيت واحد ويمكن استخدامه للبشرة والجسم

    This combination of 7 kind Oil nourishes hydrates repairs smoothest and protects your hair skin and face.

    هذا المزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيت يغذي إصلاحات الهيدرات التي تنعم وتحمي بشرة شعرك ووجهك

    Main ingredients:
    7 precious vegetable oils like. Argan Oil, myrrh Oil, Macadamia Oil, Ojon Oil, Sweet almonds Oil, Jasmine Oil, and Rosemary Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيوت نباتية ثمينة مثل. زيت الأرجان وزيت المر وزيت المكاديميا وزيت الأوجون وزيت اللوز الحلو وزيت الياسمين وزيت إكليل الجبل

  • Inoar Botanic Castor Oil – Capillary Oil 30ml

    Hair oil for all hair types. Inoar Botanic strengthens the strands and helps in healthy hair growth.

    Inoar Botanic Castor Oil provides nutrition and strength to the hair, in addition to ensuring softness, smoothness, shine and frizz control. Ideal for hair that is difficult to grow.

    *Vegan, cruelty-free and paraben-free formula.

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  • Inoar Vegan Umetacao Leave-in 300ml

    Inoar Vegan Umectação leave-in the set is formulated with virgin vegetables’ oils, coconut’s oil and olive’s oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect to the animals.

     Inoar Vegan Umectação نظام تصفيف
    مصنعة من زيوت الخضروات البكر وزيت جوز الهند وزيوت الزيتون التي تخترق ألياف الشعر ، وتهتم بالشعر بأقصى قدر ، غير مصنع من الحيوانات

    – It penetrates the hair fiber and returns to the strands its natural hydration. – Stops hair loss issues.
    – Heals damaged hair strands, reduces frizz and returns the strength to the hair which makes the hair much healthier and plus helps to grow the hair.

    :الفوائد الرئيسية
    – تخترق ألياف الشعر وترجعه إلى الخيوط الطبيعية – توقف تساقط الشعر. – تشفي خيوط الشعر التالفة ، يقلل من تجعد الشعر ويعيد القوة إلى الشعر مما يجعل الشعر أكثر صحة ويساعد على نمو الشعر

    Main ingredients:
    Vitamin E, Biotin, Castor Oil, Olive oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    فيتامينE. البيوتين. زيت الخروع. زيت الزيتون. زيت عضوي. زيت اللوز الحلو. زيت جوز الهند. الألوة فيرا

    AED 183.00AED 195.00

    Inoar Vegan Umetacao Leave-in 300ml

    AED 183.00AED 195.00
  • Inoar Vegan Umecatao Nutrition Mask 500 g

    Inoar has as one of its main philosophies the respect for life. All our products go through tests but never on animals. Inoar Vegan Umectação mask has no animal ingredients and was born to celebrate this attitude to remind you that you can – and should – choose cosmetics that maintain a respectful relationship with nature and animals. Inoar Vegan products are formulated with vegetable, coconut and olive oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect for animals.

    إن إينوار واحدة من فلسفاتها الرئيسية احترام الحياة. جميع منتجاتنا تمر تحت الاختبارات ولكن ليس على الحيوانات. لا يحتوي قناع
    على مكونات حيوانية – اختيار مستحضرات التجميل التي تحافظ على علاقة محترمة مع الطبيعة. صُنعت منتجات Inoar Vegan Umectação
    من زيوت الخضراوات وجوز الهند والزيتون التي تخترق أعماق ألياف الشعر ، وتهتم بالشعر بأقصى قدر من الأداء Inoar Vegan

    – Deep nourishes and moisturizes hair.
    – Penetrates the hair fiber and gives the hair its natural moisture.
    – Repair, reduce frizz and make your hair much healthier and shinier.

    يغذي ويرطب الشعر
    يخترق ألياف الشعر ويمنح الشعر رطوبته الطبيعية
    إصلاح الشعر، والحد من تجعده وجعل الشعر أكثر صحة وأكثر لمعان

    Main ingredients:
    Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, Argan Oil, Biotin Vitamin, Plant Oil and vitamin E.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    E.زيت جوز الهند وزيت الزيتون وزيت الأركان والبيوتين وفيتامين والزيوت النباتية وفيتامين

    AED 183.00AED 295.00
  • Inoar Resistance Bamboo Fiber leave – in 250 ml

    Leave-in for damaged hair. Inoar Résistance Bamboo Fiber Leave-in Cream makes combing easier, moisturizes and strengthens the strands. It also provides shine and has rejuvenating power. Inoar Résistance Bamboo Fiber Leave-in Cream was developed to prevent breakage and revitalize the fragile hair fiber. Allows the hair to grow strong and healthy, in addition to treating the strands from the inside out.

    AED 183.00AED 250.00

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