• Inoar Afro Vegan Hair Mask 500g

    Inoar Afro Vegan mask for wavy, curly, frizzy hair. Inoar Afro Vegan Mask hydrates and nourishes intensely to keep 4ABC type curls healthy at all times.

      مخصص للشعر المجعد قناع إينور أفرو النباتي يرطب ويغذي بشكل مكثف للحفاظ على التجاعيد نوع Inoar Afro Vegan قناع
    صحية في جميع الأوقات ABC4

    Inoar Afro Vegan Mask acts in replenishing indispensable nutrients to highlight the beauty of the hair. Thus, it makes the hair soft and shiny and shows its true curly and beautiful shape.
    Shea Butter: With moisturizing properties that make hair more pliable.

     Inoar Afro يعمل قناع
    النباتي على تجديد العناصر الغذائية التي لا غنى عنها لتسليط الضوء على جمال الشعر. وبالتالي ، فإنه يجعل الشعر ناعم ولامع ، ويظهر شكله الحقيقي المجعد والجميل


    Main ingredients:
    1. Shea Butter: With moisturizing properties that make hair more pliable.
    2. Castor Oil: Rich in vitamin E, minerals and antibacterial properties, nourishes, moisturizes, seals cuticles and ensures softness and shine.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زبدة الشيا: مع خصائص الترطيب التي تجعل الشعر أكثر مرونة
    E زيت الخروع: غني بفيتامين
    والمعادن والخواص المضادة للبكتيريا ، يغذي ويرطب ويعالج الأطراف ويضمن ليونة وتألق

    AED 145.00AED 295.00

    Inoar Afro Vegan Hair Mask 500g

    AED 145.00AED 295.00
  • Inoar Help Ultra Repair Mask 450g

    The Inoar Help mask is that help that everyone needs to rescue the beauty of the hair. With Detox, the mask was made to fully recover the beauty and discipline of the hair, with the treatment they need most.

    يساعد الجميع لإنقاذ جمال الشعر. باستخدام قناع التخلص من السموم وقد تم صنعه لاستعادة جمال وانضباط الشعر بالكامل ، مع العلاج. Inoar Help قناع

    – Penetrates deep into the hair fiber without leaving a residue.
    – Recovers and restructures hair.
    – Helps seal the cuticle of the wire damaged by chemicals and heat.
    – Eliminate frizz.

    يخترق عمق ألياف الشعر دون أن يترك بقايا
    يستعيد ويعيد هيكلة الشعر
    يساعد على علاج الاطراف التي تضررت من المواد الكيميائية والحرارة
    يعالج الشعر المجعد

    Main ingredients:
    D-Pantenol, Germ Oil, Vitamin E, Argan Oil and Jojoba Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    D-Pantenol و Germ Germو فيتامين E, Argan Oil و زيت جوجبا

    AED 75.00AED 280.00

    Inoar Help Ultra Repair Mask 450g

    AED 75.00AED 280.00
  • Inoar Argan Oil Hydration Mask 250g

    Inoar Argan Oil Hydration Mask is for all type damaged dry dull and chemically treated hair.

    قناع الترطيب بزيت الأركان Inoar Argan لجميع أنواع الشعر الجاف الباهت والمعالج كيميائياً

    Deep moisturizing and five times more nutrition for hair, silky and supple hair strands. Stops hair loss, strengthen hair strands nourishes and deeply hydrates hair fibers.

    ترطيب عميق وخمسة أضعاف التغذية للشعر ، يجعل الشعر حريري وجذاب ولين
    يوقف تساقط الشعر ، ويجعله قويا ، ويغذيه ويرطبه ويصل الى ألياف الشعر.

    Main Ingredients:
    Fatty Acid, vitamin A, D, and E, Argan Oil, Coco Butter, and Jojoba Oil.

    احماض دهنيه وفيتامين أ ودال وهاء وزيت أركان وزبدة الكاكاو وزيت الجوجوبا

    AED 85.00AED 230.00
  • Inoar Kalice Multifunctional 7 kind of Oil 8 ml

    Kalice has a combination of 7 kinds of oils in one Oil and it can be used for hair skin and body.

     Kalice يحتوي زيت
    متعدد الوظائف على مزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيوت في زيت واحد ويمكن استخدامه للبشرة والجسم

    This combination of 7 kind Oil nourishes hydrates repairs smoothest and protects your hair skin and face.

    هذا المزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيت يغذي إصلاحات الهيدرات التي تنعم وتحمي بشرة شعرك ووجهك

    Main ingredients:
    7 precious vegetable oils like. Argan Oil, myrrh Oil, Macadamia Oil, Ojon Oil, Sweet almonds Oil, Jasmine Oil, and Rosemary Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيوت نباتية ثمينة مثل. زيت الأرجان وزيت المر وزيت المكاديميا وزيت الأوجون وزيت اللوز الحلو وزيت الياسمين وزيت إكليل الجبل

    AED 52.50AED 70.00
  • Inoar Kalice Multifunctional 7 kind of Oil 100 ml

    Kalice has a combination of 7 kinds of oils in one Oil and it can be used for hair skin and body.

     Kalice يحتوي زيت
    متعدد الوظائف على مزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيوت في زيت واحد ويمكن استخدامه للبشرة والجسم

    This combination of 7 kind Oil nourishes hydrates repairs smoothest and protects your hair skin and face.

    هذا المزيج من 7 أنواع من الزيت يغذي إصلاحات الهيدرات التي تنعم وتحمي بشرة شعرك ووجهك

    Main ingredients:
    7 precious vegetable oils like. Argan Oil, myrrh Oil, Macadamia Oil, Ojon Oil, Sweet almonds Oil, Jasmine Oil, and Rosemary Oil.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    زيوت نباتية ثمينة مثل. زيت الأرجان وزيت المر وزيت المكاديميا وزيت الأوجون وزيت اللوز الحلو وزيت الياسمين وزيت إكليل الجبل

  • Inoar Post Progress Duo Kit 250ml (2 Products)

    Hair treated with volume reducing brushes looks beautiful but needs special care. With that in mind, Inoar developed the Post Progress line.  The darling of professionals and women who want to keep results much longer.  With a smooth and moisturizing formula, Post Progress maintains the health and natural softness of the hair, keeping the closed cuticles and splendid hair until the next visit to the salon.

    Inoar Pos
    الشعر الذي يتم معالجته باستخدام الفرشاه التي تقلل من الحجم تبدو جميلة ولكنه يحتاج إلى عناية خاصة مع وضع ذلك في الاعتبار ، طورت
    الحفاظ على النتائج لفترة
    Inoar خط Post Progress
    أطول من ذلك بكثير. مع تركيبة ناعمة ومرطبة ، تحافظ Post Progress على صحة الشعر ونعومته الطبيعية ، مع الحفاظ على بشرة رائعه وشعر رائع حتى الزيارة التالية إلى الصالون.

    – Gently cleans hair.
    – Removes impurities without drying out.
    – It helps to keep hair straight and shiny longer without the frizz.
    – Detangles and moisturizes the hair without leaving heavy or oily hair.
    – Recovers the damaged hair strands by chemistry and D-Panthenol.
    – Reduces the formation of split ends.

    – ينظف الشعر برفق.
    – يزيل الشوائب دون جفاف.
    – يساعد على الحفاظ على شعر مستقيم ولامع لفترة أطول دون تجعد.
    – يساعد الشعر ويرطبه دون ترك شعر كثيف أو زيتي.
    – يعالج خيوط الشعر التالفة بالكيمياء و D-Panthenol.
    – يقلل من تشكيل الانقسام.

    Germ Oil, Germ Proteins, Citric Acid.

    جرثومة النفط ، بروتينات جرثومية ، حامض الستريك

    AED 145.00AED 220.00
  • Inoar Absolut Speed Blond Kit 250ml

    Inoar Speed Blond shampoo is designed for blond or gray hair.

    تم تصميم منعم Inoar Speed ​​Blond للشعر الأشقر أو الرمادي

    Cleans, disentangles, treats and neutralizes the yellow tone that tends to accumulate in the colored hair strands.

    ينظف ، يعالج ، يعامل ويرجع اللون الأصفر الذي يميل إلى التراكم في خيوط الشعر الملونة.

    Clears and neutralizes the yellowish that appears on the colored hair strands. It disengages and neutralizes the yellow tone.  Prevents fading of the actual color.  Smoothest and moisturizes strands and skin.

    مسح وارجاع اللون الأصفر الذي يظهر على خيوط الشعر الملونة. إنه ينحل و يرجع اللون الأصفر. ويمنع تلاشي اللون الفعلي. ينعم ويرطب الشرائط والجلد

    Main ingredients:
    It helps revitalize hair by providing intense nutrition and replenishing proteins lost during chemistry.  Its formulas are rich in active antioxidants, which preserve color and promote intense brightness.

    :المكونات الرئيسية
    يساعد على تنشيط الشعر من خلال توفير التغذية المكثفة وتجديد البروتينات المفقودة أثناء الكيمياء. صيغته غنية بمضادات الأكسدة النشطة ، والتي تحافظ على اللون وتعزز اللمعان الشديد.

    Shampoo 250 ml
    Conditioner 250 ml

    AED 65.00AED 149.00
  • Inoar Botanic castor and macadamia oil family kit ( 3 products)

    Having long hair is the dream of many women, but the problem is to keep it strong and healthy for longer, isn’t it? The new Inoar Botanic line is here to help you achieve this dream!
    The line has powerful castor oil in the formulation, responsible for helping to give that strength to hair growth in addition to leaving it beautiful and healthy!

    Castor oil is a natural ingredient with antioxidant properties and it is rich in linoleic acid, omega 6 and omega 9, vitamin E, and minerals. Fatty acid glycerol is a very good component for nourishing hair follicles.

    To give you an idea, the outer layer of the hair shaft is covered by structures that look like scales, in fact, it is the cuticles that when they are damaged, are dull and full of frizz.

    All types of hair.

    1. Shampoo 300 ml
    2. Conditioner 300 ml
    3. Mask 500 gr
    4. Castor oil 30 ml

    Castor Oil and Macadamia Oil

    1. Solves hair loss issues
    2. Moisturizes dry hair
    3. Extreme growth to the hair
    4. Gives plenty of shine to the hair
    5. It has cumulative effects

    Paraben free,

    AED 596.00AED 670.00
  • POS Progress family line 3 products

    Hair treated with volume reducing brushes looks beautiful but needs special care. With that in mind, Inoar developed the Post Progress line. The darling of professionals and women who want to keep results much longer. With a smooth and moisturizing formula, Post Progress maintains the health and natural softness of the hair, keeping the closed cuticles and splendid hair until the next visit to the salon.

    – Gently cleans hair.
    – Removes impurities without drying out.
    – It helps to keep hair straight and shiny longer without the frizz.
    – Detangles and moisturizes the hair without leaving heavy or oily hair.
    – Recovers the damaged hair strands by chemistry and D-Panthenol.
    – Reduces the formation of split ends.

    AED 410.00AED 600.00

    POS Progress family line 3 products

    AED 410.00AED 600.00
  • POS Progress leave – in cream 250 gr

    Hair treated with volume reducing brushes looks beautiful but needs special care. With that in mind, Inoar developed the Post Progress line. The darling of professionals and women who want to keep results much longer. With a smooth and moisturizing formula, Post Progress maintains the health and natural softness of the hair, keeping the closed cuticles and splendid hair until the next visit to the salon.

    – Gently cleans hair.
    – Removes impurities without drying out.
    – It helps to keep hair straight and shiny longer without the frizz.
    – Detangles and moisturizes the hair without leaving heavy or oily hair.
    – Recovers the damaged hair strands by chemistry and D-Panthenol.
    – Reduces the formation of split ends.

    AED 183.00AED 350.00
  • Cicatrifios Due Kit Shamoo Conditioner

    Cicatrifios family line is the evolution in treatment that offers countless benefits to absolutely renew the hair fibers every day. Its formula, enriched with RejuComplex3 that renews and softens the hair, solves hair loss issues, reduces the breakage and frizziness of the hair and offers progressive reduction of volume for a sealed hair, with extreme shine, with easy combing and long-lasting effects.

    Recommendation: All hair types.

    Cicatrifios line contains:
    1.Shampoo 500 ml
    2. Conditioner 500 ml.

    Main assets:
    Rejucomplex3, Argan Oil. Other information: Vegan, Cruelty Free.

    AED 228.00AED 350.00
  • Inoar Vegan Umectação set Shampoo Conditioner

    Inoar Vegan Umectação set are formulated with virgin vegetables’ oils, coconut oil, and olive oils that penetrate deep into the hair fiber, taking care of the hair with maximum performance and respect to the animals.

    Benefits: – It penetrates the hair fiber and returns to the strands of its natural hydration. – Stops hair loss issues. – Heals damaged hair strands, reduces frizz and returns the strength to the hair which makes the hair much healthier and plus helps to grow the hair.

    Main ingredients: Vitamin E, Biotin, Castor Oil, Olive oil, Argan Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera.

    Composition: Shampoo 300 ml Conditioner 300 ml Hair Mask 500 g Hair Leave-in 300 ml.

    AED 310.00AED 410.00

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